Fracture Liaison Service (FLS) Programme Page

Osteoporosis is the most common chronic bone disease which predisposes an individual to an increased risk of fracture. At least 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men will suffer a fragility fracture in their lifetime due to osteoporosis.Typical osteoporosis fractures occur at: Hip Wrist Upper arm Pelvis Spine…

Prevent Osteoporosis, Fragility Fracture Can Be Deadly Blog Post

When people fall down and break their bones, it’s not necessarily an accident. Conversely, an underlying fragility fracture could be the culprit! Fragility fractures refer to fractures caused by innocuous falls from a standing height or less. The main cause of fragility fractures is asymptomatic osteoporosis. One common type of…

Orthogeriatric Service Page

Orthogeriatric Service (OGS) is a collaborative work between orthopaedic and geriatric medicine department. The main goal is to provide a specialised care to elderly patients who have suffered from a fragility fracture in particular hip fracture or other types of orthopaedic problems. Fragility hip fractures can be particularly devastating for…

Bone & Joint Specialist Centre Page

Bone & Joint Centre offers comprehensive and integrated orthopaedic (bone health) care. Our body’s musculoskeletal structure is made up of muscles and bones, as well as the other connective tissues that join body tissue and organs together. This structure is vulnerable to injuries, repetitive motion stress, as well as wear…

Osteoporosis : What Is It? Blog Post

While we live in an age where sneezing without a mask can lead to lockdowns, people with severe osteoporosis have another thing to worry about when they have the sniffles. Their bones breaking. This underrated condition is generally present in the elderly population. It is often overlooked when compared to…

Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Blog Post

Article Summary: NST Online – 31 December 2021 Malaysia’s ageing population is expected to reach 16.3 per cent by 2040 – as such, the number of women susceptible to osteoporosis is likely to increase as menopause is the most critical risk factor for the condition. Osteoporosis refers to a skeletal…

Awards & Achievements Page

We thank you for the continued support and trust given by all our stakeholders. Having been awarded with these awards and accreditation, Beacon Hospital will continue to strive for the betterment of the patients and hospital and at the same time to ensure our standards are being upheld.Beacon Hospital received…

Osteopenia: Osteoporosis’ Distant Relative Blog Post

It’s highly likely that you’ve heard about osteoporosis, a term that literally means “porous bones”. This notorious condition is famous for weakening bones, making them fragile, and increases the chances of bone fracture. But did you know that there is a lesser known condition, similar to osteoporosis, known as osteopenia? Same same but…

Back Pain : Risk Factors and Treatments Blog Post

While you can say “it’s spine” for mild back pains, severe back pains can be a pain in the butt. Similar to headaches and the common cold, back pain affects almost everybody at some point of life. It can range from a simple muscle strain to fractures. To help you…