Eye Cancer Page

Eye cancer starts from major parts of the eyes which include the: eyeball orbit adnexal structures such as eyelids and tear glands Cancer of the eye is a malignancy that starts and grows in your eye. A malignancy is a group of cells that are cancerous (non-typical cells that grow…

Topical nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs for management of osteoarthritis pain: A consensus recommendation Blog Post

Osteoarthritis (OA) contributes to significant medical and socioeconomic burden in many populations. Its prevalence is expected to rise continuously owing to the combined effects of aging and increase in risk factors, including obesity, physical inactivity, and joint injuries. Pain is a hallmark presentation of OA.  Topical nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)…

Home Health Care Page

Beacon cares for you. Your health is our priority. We provide, we guide, we assist you with the right way for the one who you loved, based on his or her condition and situation in your comforts of your own home. POST-DISCHARGE CARE POST-OPERATION CARE CANCER CARE DEMENTIA ALZHEIMER HOME…

Free Neck Ultrasound Screening by Specialist

A lump on the neck or neck masses can be large and visible, or they can be very small. Most neck lumps aren’t harmful. Most are also benign, or non-cancerous. But a neck lump can also be a sign of a serious condition, such as an infection or a cancerous…
Free Knee X Ray, Beacon Hospital, CSR Campaign

Free Knee X-Ray

Osteoarthritis commonly affects small joints such as fingers and toes, and is one of the most common problems that a doctor sees every day in his/her clinic. It can lead to stiffness, pain, and notice deformities on the fingers and toes. The impact is even more severe in the weight…
intra-operative-radiotherapy, breast cancer, brain tumour treatment, surgery + radiotherapy


Intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) is a targeted radiation therapy, delivered directly to the site where the tumour is resected during the surgery. The aim of IORT treatment is to deliver precise dose of radiation to the intended area for better treatment outcome, while minimizing unnecessary damage to normal tissues. Multiple…

Orthogeriatric Service Page

Orthogeriatric Service (OGS) is a collaborative work between orthopaedic and geriatric medicine department. The main goal is to provide a specialised care to elderly patients who have suffered from a fragility fracture in particular hip fracture or other types of orthopaedic problems. Fragility hip fractures can be particularly devastating for…
cervical cancer, hpv vaccination, beacon hospital

HPV Vaccination 2024

Cervical cancer ranks third among the most common cancers in Malaysian women, with approximately 2,000 women diagnosed annually. The primary cause of cervical cancer is persistent HPV infection, responsible for 95% of cases, mainly attributed to high-risk HPV subtypes (HPV-16 and HPV-18). The HPV vaccine can prevent over 90% of…

Colon Cancer Chemotherapy Welfare Fund Page

Let our cancer specialist personalize your treatment plan that best suit your needs. Equipped with the latest treatment equipment, we are here to support your healthcare journey, from diagnosis, treatment to post-treatment care. Performs minimally invasive surgeries Fast recovery & less pain option Sponsored targeted therapy for colon cancer patients…